WHAT WE DO at Europe Logistics



Currently Europe Logistics has a total tank capacity of 252,675 cbm, spread over 76 liquid tanks. All liquid tanks are made of mild steel or stainless steel.

Some tanks are heated, cooled or equipped to meet special requirements in storing and handling a wide variety of products.

Since we are a zero emission terminal, all vapours are treated using different systems such as thermal oxidiser, scrubbers or activated carbon systems.

Future expansion will include tank pits 7,8 and 9 with an estimated extra capacity of about 250,000 cbm.


Liquefied gas is stored in horizontal and mounded pressurized gas bullets. Currently we have 4 gas bullets of 3,500 cbm each, i.e. a total capacity of 14,000 cbm. Future expansion will include 6 extra gas bullets with an extra total capacity of 21,000 cbm.

Furthermore, we are permitted to build cryogenic gas storage facilities on our site.


There are currently 4 truck (un)loading stations, spread over our terminal, which handle about 800 trucks each month with still a lot of spare capacity.

These (un)loading stations offer a total of 11 liquid positions and 2 gas positions which ensure more flexibility.

Opening hours are from 6 am till 10 pm on working days.


We are equipped with 7 km of rail tracks which connect our rail entrance on the North side to the other rail entrance on the South side.

Our 3 (un)loading stations with a total of 20 liquid and 8 gas positions give us a huge advantage in being able to load single wagon loads and blocktrains simultaneously which results currently in about 400 railcars each month, with still a lot of capacity to grow.


On the river-side, our company is equipped with a T-jetty which includes 4 deep sea positions, a quay wall with 2 barge positions and a small jetty for barges and coasters. As we are located near the Kieldrecht Lock (opened in 2016), which is presently the largest lock in the world, we are able to receive all sizes of seagoing vessels. With 7 positions, our low jetty occupation (1 position per 30,000 cbm) is one of our strong points and the risk of demurrage is very low.

Apart from shore tank operations, our jetty is also equipped to handle both direct transhipments and (gas) transhipments via shoreline.


One of our specialties is our gas transloading where we can discharge C3 and C4 gas from barge/coaster directly into RTC.

This service offers a huge benefit to our customers who can thus avoid the costs of shore tank rental and have their product transferred within 48 hrs.

As from 2021 we will also be able to reverse the operation and discharge C3 and C4 gas directly from RTC into the barge.


Besides the regular services, we also offer vapour treatment, nitrogen purging, tank to tank transfers, product heating, cooling and recirculation, stock management, stock control and customs clearance.

Would you like more information, a no-obligation consultation or a competitive quote? Please feel free to contact us!


We are leader in the storage of industrial liquid bulk products IN EUROPE.

We are committed to providing flexible, reliable and responsible solutions for our customers, connecting industries to society.